Learn From Loss Like Pablo

I seem to always miss the AMA on Reddit I’m actually interested in and the Pablo Mari one was no different. It seems to be that I either forget or I can’t think of an interesting question to ask. Oh well, such is life when you have many ways to entertain yourself. I guess I could put AMA dates on the calendar and I guess I could think of questions ahead of time, but this doesn’t really feel like an urging matter. I find it more entertaining to read through them afterwards anyways. I did enjoy part of Pablo Mari’s response to coping after a loss.

“But you have to accept that it is a game and when you lose you have to learn.”

These words are to live by because losing is about much more than the sting of being number two. Losing presents us with a learning opportunity we don’t always take the time to investigate. I’m not trying to say we CSI ourselves, but a little introspection doesn’t cost us anything. Pablo shows that being a winner isn’t just about focusing on the next game but on not repeating the mistakes of the game before. If we don’t learn from the past that past has a funny way of repeating itself.

I’m going to excuse myself and think about why I didn’t post this yesterday. I consider that a loss on my part because I don’t take the weekends off. Later.